• Weihnachtspause

    Im Zeitraum vom 21.12.2024 bis zum 03.01.2025 erfolgt kein Versand. Ab dem 04.01.2025 sind wir dann wieder wie gewohnt für euch da!

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Mobile app


Active member
Hm without iOS support, I’m out. I have many iOS device and only one android.
based on this I need a iOS version (same as many member)

Sagt mal ehrlich… warum sind manche User so leseresistent :whistle:... Ich versteh das absolut nicht, warum man sich nicht die Zeit nimmt und den Thread von Anfang an durchlest!…. @galadril schreibt doch immer wieder, dass er die APP auch für iOS macht, aber erst, wenn die Android-App läuft und das macht für mich total Sinn!.....


Is there somebody willing to assist me with translations in the app?

I already have:
- Dutch
- Russian
- Portugese
- English

Would love to see:
- (@Markus7501 thanks!) French
- (@tfrensch thanks!) German
- Spanish
- Polish
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FYI, Google is having delays on reviewing new apps .. so i have no clue when they review the beta that i uploaded on wednesday..


@galadril hello I have paided for the beta, yesssssss

but I have a question... i have two Devices and i want to install the app on both, but I have to paided for the two Devices????


@galadril hello I have paided for the beta, yesssssss

Awesome, thanks! Hope you like the app and share some of your bbq logbook sessions here ;)!

but I have a question... i have two Devices and i want to install the app on both, but I have to paided for the two Devices????

This app only supports a single connection at the time.

But you can export your connection settings, connect a new device, and also export that settings with a different name..
Then you can easely switch between devices by importing the correct settings.

But multi server connection isn't implemented (at the moment..) so you can only use one at the time...
But good feature request for the future!


Ich denke er meint zwei Endgeräte (Smartphone/Tablet), nicht zwei Thermometer. Die App "muss" vermutlich für jedes Endgerät gekauft und installiert werden.


Please keep it English :)..

The payment of an app is registered by Google under your Google account.
If you have 2 phones with the same account registered, you can install the app on both devices.

But if you use a different Google account, then you cant.


The next update also contains pitmaster profile presets >

some other fixes to the beta:
- Added Portuguese support (thanks!)
- Added French support (thanks!)
- Added the option to set pitmaster profiles
- Fixed the multiple pitmaster setup in Session details graphs
- Fixed the pitmaster percentage unit
- Fixed updating the pitmaster values when you have multiple
- Fixed the session details when there is not graph data
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Dont forget to share your recorded session here !! :D..
I've made some hot dog with sauerkraut this weekend!!



No, you can change all the session text/notes.. but can't add images/notes in the timeline.
That should be an actual 'recording' .. I could add the option to remove images (like notes) later..


Die Produktvorstellung ist ja schon mal top (y), hier und da hat die App aber noch ein paar kleine Bugs:

- Alarmgrenze und Alarm bei mir nicht einstellbar (alarm and alarm limits cannot be set / are not completely displayed and page cannot be scrolled)


- Timer-Funktion nicht wirklich nutzbar, da während der Timer läuft, jede Sekunde ein Klingelton ertönt (Malfunction in the timer, a ringtone sounded every second during operation)


Tested on:
App Version: Beta 05.10.2020
Android: 8.1.0
Smartphone: Moto G5
(ich weiß, ich häng gern an älteren Dingern fest :ROFLMAO: )

Die App musst ich während des Tests zweimal neu starten, da sie sich aufgehängt hat.


Die Produktvorstellung ist ja schon mal top (y)


- Alarmgrenze und Alarm bei mir nicht einstellbar (alarm and alarm limits cannot be set / are not completely displayed and page cannot be scrolled)

Good one, thanks, I should test more on smaller screens..
This is fixed in the next build!

- Timer-Funktion nicht wirklich nutzbar, da während der Timer läuft, jede Sekunde ein Klingelton ertönt (Malfunction in the timer, a ringtone sounded every second during operation)

Thats weird.. Ill test the timers some more on different devices.

----> New build is uploaded to Google
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