Trouble uploading ESP32 software to a nodemcu-32s Dev Board


New member
Hello. I am trying to upload the ESP32 software to a nodemcu-32s development board to test out the software. Platform IO is telling me that the upload was successful but the software seems to not be installed. I tried with a basic wifi ap sketch and all works fine with that. I need some advice on where to look to trouble shoot. Thank you very much


We use ESP32-WROOM-32D / 32U with 16MB, this is maybe the reason why it compiles correctly but doesn't run. Nodemcu-32s is probably only 4MB. You also have to pay attention to the hardware configuration, with nanoV3 / miniV3 the ESP runs in standby mode without connected thermometer hardware.


New member
Thank you very much for the reply. According to the manufacturers website it says the board has 16mb. I have compiled the firmware for the nanoV3, miniV2 and the miniV3. All compile fine. When I upload using platform.IO it reports upload happens and completes with no errors. I have also flashed with the board using esptool and the command line as outlined below n the nano instructions for software install on a self made board. In a series monitor I just get em error that shows the board continually rebooting. Attached is the specs of the exact board I haveScreenshot_20200822-071142_Chrome.jpgScreenshot_20200822-071142_Chrome.jpg


New member
I just saw that. As soon as I posted above I found the vendor data sheet that stated 4MB. I guess time to return them. Thank you everyone for the replies.
Oben Unten